Apple cider vinegar benefits for your health and well-being

Weight Loss

7 Proven Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar


7 Proven Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Many celebrities have credited apple cider vinegar (ACV) as the secret behind their beauty and wellness. But is it really worth the hype? Let’s find out!

Earlier used just as a condiment to add a tangy punch to various recipes, apple cider vinegar has now become the “talk of the town” in the health supplement industry. This is because of the myriad of health and beauty benefits it offers, thanks to its acetic acid content.

In this blog, we will explore the world of ACV in-depth and find out the key apple cider vinegar benefits that can help you optimise your well-being. Let’s get started!

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is a natural vinegar made using fermented apples. Firstly, the apple juice is fermented with yeast to convert the sugars into alcohol. After that, alcohol is transformed into acetic acid in the second fermentation process, which forms the vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar has been gaining widespread popularity as a health supplement, especially because of its detoxifying and weight-loss benefits. The acetic acid in ACV is known to have anti-obesity, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help curb excess weight, fortify your natural defences and maintain a youthful appearance. Apart from that, ACV is also rich in essential nutrients like B vitamins and vitamin C, which offer additional apple cider vinegar benefits for your well-being.

What Are the Types of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Depending on the process of manufacturing, apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar can be classified into two main types - filtered and unfiltered. While many supplements contain filtered and processed ACV, some also offer pure and unfiltered ACV as the latter is popularly known to offer more apple cider vinegar benefits than its counterpart. Let’s find out how the two are different and which one is better for you!

Raw & Unfiltered (With the Mother)

Unfiltered apple cider vinegar is the one that has not been strained or filtered after manufacturing. The filtration process eliminates the collection of good bacteria (probiotics), known as “the Mother” from ACV. These probiotics are known to be highly beneficial for your gut, digestion and immune system. That’s why most people prefer to take unfiltered apple cider vinegar supplements that contain “the Mother” as it offers additional apple cider vinegar benefits of the probiotics.

Filtered (Without the Mother)

Filtered apple cider vinegar goes through a filtration process to avoid the formation of a probiotic layer (Mother). So, filtered ACV doesn’t contain “the Mother” and also lacks some nutrients that are present in its unfiltered version. Unlike unfiltered ACV which has a cloudy appearance, filtered apple cider vinegar looks clearer. Usually, filtered apple cider vinegar comes at a price price than raw ACV.

Raw and pure apple cider vinegar with the mother

7 Ways in Which Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits Your Body

Here are the top seven proven apple cider vinegar benefits that can help you upgrade your health regime and boost your well-being.

1. Weight Management

Apple cider vinegar is most commonly used for its weight loss benefits. Acetic acid in ACV gives a feeling of satiety, which helps you feel less hungry and eat less food. This indirectly impacts your weight, leading to a healthy weight loss.

2. Enhanced Digestion

Apple cider vinegar benefits your digestive ability by boosting your metabolism. Raw apple cider vinegar offers probiotics (healthy bacteria) and helps balance the bacterial flora in your gut, which is crucial for normal digestion. Taking ACV before meals helps manage bloating, gas and other digestion-related concerns.

3. Immune System

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which bolsters your immune system. So, in case anyone falls sick too frequently, a regular intake of ACV can help them fortify their natural defences from within.

4. Energy Boost

Apple cider vinegar benefits the metabolism process by helping your body convert food into energy faster than usual. This means that consuming ACV regularly helps boost your energy levels, making you feel active even during hectic days.

5. Glowing Skin

Apple cider vinegar is not only great for your inner vitality but also for your outer appearance. The natural acidity of ACV helps balance your skin’s pH, thereby supporting smoother and glowing skin. It also acts as a natural exfoliant for the skin, which helps remove impurities to bring out a radiant complexion.

6. Heart Health

Studies have shown that people who consume ACV have been able to maintain a balanced body glucose and BP levels, which are crucial for heart health. So, apple cider vinegar benefits those who want to keep heart-related concerns at bay.

7. Kidney Health

ACV is credited for purifying your body from within, thereby flushing out toxins. By doing so, ACV supports the proper functioning of your kidney and defends your body against potential kidney problems.

How Much Apple Cider Vinegar Should I Take Per Day?

The amount of apple cider vinegar you need to take every day depends on your biological conditions and the reason for which you are consuming it. While there is no reference nutrient intake (RNI) for ACV, taking approximately 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 ml) of apple cider vinegar diluted with water is usually considered safe and beneficial. However, taking too much apple cider vinegar may cause unwanted side effects, while taking too little may fail to give you the apple cider vinegar benefits. So, it is suggested that you consult with a medical practitioner to find out the right dosage of ACV for you as per your health goals, medical condition and demographics.

Raw and pure apple cider vinegar with the mother

Apple Cider Vinegar Supplements

Due to its surging popularity, there are multiple apple cider vinegar products available on the market. Some of the common supplemental forms available to reap the apple cider vinegar benefits include tablets, capsules, gummies and liquids. While choosing an ACV supplement depends on your personal preference, bodily needs, dietary choices, etc., here are some factors that you must keep in mind when buying an apple cider vinegar supplement.

  • Prefer a 100% natural ACV supplement to avoid harmful side effects
  • Purchase from a reputable brand to avoid fraudulent or gimmicky products
  • Check for customer reviews to learn about its effectiveness
  • Look for certified products to ensure reliability and premium quality

Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies | 90 Gummies 1000 mg

Why Choose Them?

  • Contains pure & unfiltered ACV with “the Mother”
  • Fruity apple flavour
  • Vegan & gelatine-free
  • 90-day money-back guarantee

Our customers have given an impressive 5/5-star rating and one of our lovely customers, Elaine P. says:

“It's a good product and very pleasant to take. I feel it is helping me to lose a bit of weight”

Final Say

Apple cider vinegar is not just a simple salad dressing, but a health elixir that can be your best ally in smashing weight loss and well-being goals. From boosting metabolism to curbing appetite to supporting glowing skin, apple cider vinegar benefits our body in more ways than one. Having said that, we must remember that you need to maintain a balanced diet and do regular exercise alongside taking apple cider vinegar to get the most out of it.

If you want to incorporate ACV into your daily routine effortlessly, you can simply choose a natural apple cider vinegar supplement and enjoy its incredible benefits. However, just consult a doctor before starting a supplement to know the appropriate dosage and form for you. So, take the first time towards a healthier and slimmer you with apple cider vinegar!


Consuming too much ACV can lead to some unwanted side effects instead of giving apple cider vinegar benefits. Here are some common side effects of ACV:

  • Indigestion
  • Brittle bones
  • Damaged tooth enamel
  • Throat burns

You can drink apple cider vinegar at any time of the day, morning, afternoon or evening. Having said that, since ACV is mostly used to suppress appetite and manage weight, it’s better to drink or take apple cider vinegar before meals so that you end up feeling full and consuming fewer calories. Also, make sure you consume it at approximately the same time every day to get the most of the apple cider vinegar benefits.

As per recent studies, acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is known to block fat deposition and boost metabolism. So, ACV can be beneficial for those wanting to burn fat and calories to lose weight.

Since apple cider vinegar is known to promote metabolism (digestion), it is a smart idea to drink ACV in the morning to start your day with optimal digestion without any stomach discomfort. ACV also boosts energy, which is why drinking apple cider vinegar in the morning can help you kickstart your day by feeling energetic and confident.

While there’s no strict recommendation on the way you need to consume apple cider vinegar, it’s better to take one or two tablespoons of ACV liquid, mix it with a few ounces of water and drink it right before your main meals to get the most of the apple cider vinegar benefits.

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid that helps curb appetite, making you feel full for a prolonged period. This helps you eat less amount of food than usual, thereby indirectly causing weight loss. By boosting metabolism, ACV also allows your body to quickly convert food into energy, which helps prevent fat accumulation in the body. So, apple cider vinegar benefits those aiming to reduce weight.

Yes, it is considered safe and beneficial to drink apple cider vinegar every day on an empty stomach as it can help you enjoy the apple cider vinegar benefits regularly and in the long term.


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