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Chia Seed, Vanilla and Raspberry Pudding


  • 400ml almond milk (you could use cow’s milk or coconut - it’s up to you)
  • 100ml natural or Greek yoghurt
  • 3 tsp honey, maple syrup or rice malt syrup
  • 3 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 100g chia seeds
  • 250g fresh or frozen raspberries

You will also need 4 jars/pots to serve.


  1. Using a fork, mash the raspberries into a purée.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix together the rest of the ingredients, leaving 40ml of the yoghurt.
  3. Pour half of the puréed raspberries into the mixture.
  4. Chill for 30 minutes in the fridge.
  5. Into 4 jars, divide part of the chia seed mixture.
  6. Add the remaining raspberry purée on top, and then the rest of the chia seed mixture. You will have a layer of white, a layer of red and then another layer of white.
  7. Divide the remaining 40ml yoghurt between each jar.

Serving Suggestion: Sprinkle some mint leaves or raspberries for decoration. You can also top the yoghurt with some oats, as seen in the picture.

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