Top 10 Foods For Arthritis

1. Green Tea
In recent years, green tea has gained immense popularity as a health drink. Packed with antioxidants, nutrients and polyphenols, green tea is known for its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and is believed to boost immune system function and reduce inflammation. Green tea is also enriched with a natural antioxidant, EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) which is known to block the production of the molecules that cause damage in joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Furthermore, EGCG and other catechins in green tea may prevent cartilage destruction. [1] As a result, it's considered as one of the best anti-inflammatory foods for arthritis relief.

2. Ginger
Ginger is one of the best foods for arthritis pain. It not only adds a burst of flavours to teas and soups, but it may also help ease the pain of arthritis. Gingerol and shogaol which gives flavour to its root also seem to be an anti-inflammatory. You can consume ginger in fresh, dried, powdered or supplement form to help reduce inflammation and aid in reducing knee pain. You can also steep ginger with tea, bake healthy ginger muffins or even grate fresh ginger onto fries.

3. Berries
Berries are packed with tons of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which have been shown to decrease arthritis-related inflammatory symptoms. [2]. Research has shown that the anthocyanins found in cherries are powerful antioxidants which help in obstructing the production of certain inflammatory chemicals whilst reducing inflammation and joint discomfort. It also contributes to destroying the harmful free radicals which can irritate body tissues and cause inflammation. Some of the best fruits for anthocyanins are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, blackcurrants, plums and black grapes.

4. Fish
Are you wondering what foods are best for rheumatoid arthritis? Fatty fish tops the list. Fish is one of the most popular foods for reducing inflammation. Enriched with natural omega-3 fatty acids, fish like salmon, tuna, trout and mackerel can help fight inflammation. Experts recommend adding fish to your diet a couple of times per week. If you aren’t a big fan of fish, you can ask your doctor to recommend a good omega-3 supplement.

5. Green Leafy Veggies
Veggies like spinach, kale, bok choy, broccoli, swiss chard and brussel sprouts are a part of the cruciferous family and are enriched with vitamins like A, C and K which protects the body from free radical damage. They also contain sulforaphane, a compound which helps slow down the damage of cartilage in joints due to osteoarthritis. Adding these calcium-rich veggies can keep your bones strong and promote joint health.

6. Citrus
Vitamin C is one of the nutrients responsible for the formation of collagen, a major component of cartilage. It also aids in maintaining joint health by preventing inflammatory arthritis. Additionally, research also shows that people with low vitamin C intake have higher chances of developing arthritis. Thus, it becomes apparent to have vitamin C rich citrus foods such as oranges, grapefruits, kiwi, cauliflower, guava and bell peppers in your daily diet.

7. Dairy Products
You'll be surprised to know that consuming low-fat dairy products can help ease arthritis symptoms. Products like milk, cheese and yoghurt are packed with calcium and vitamin D to help increase bone strength. Vitamin D is not only essential for calcium absorption but also promotes immune health. If you are lactose-intolerance, opt for vitamin D and calcium-rich foods like leafy green vegetables.

8. Whole Grains
Adding whole grains to your diet is always far better than processed ones. Foods like brown rice, oats, corn, quinoa and many more help lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood which is an indicator for inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. As a result, cooking with a range of whole grains can help ease the discomfort caused.

9. Garlic
Studies have shown that people who incorporated garlic into their foods showed fewer signs of early osteoarthritis [3]. Garlic contains diallyl disulphide, a compound that may limit cartilage-damaging enzymes in human cells while alleviating the symptoms of arthritis. If you aren’t fond of the taste and odour of garlic, however, you can always opt for natural garlic supplements. However, it's highly recommended to seek medical advice prior to taking any supplement.

10. Nuts
Nuts are packed full of protein, magnesium, calcium, vitamin E, zinc and immune-boosting alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Unlike animal proteins, nuts are low in saturated fats and contain no cholesterol. Replacing red meat with a hand full of nuts can help improve your circulation and avoid the inflammation that you might experience by eating meat. They are also a good source of fibre. Try almonds, walnuts, pistachios and pine nuts and reap their health benefits.
Other Foods Good For Arthritis:
- Olive Oil
- Apples
- Dark chocolate
- Salsa
- Soybeans
Food And Drink Bad For Arthritis:
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Corn Oil
- Sugars and refined carbs
- Fried food
- Meat
- Coffee
- White flour-based products
How Does The Mediterranean Diet Help In Arthritis?
You might not be aware, but what you eat can have a great impact on the symptoms of arthritis. Following a diet which is rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans and fats and low in processed foods and saturated fat is great for your body. This is what the Mediterranean diet emphasises on. Lately, this diet has gained immense popularity for its disease-fighting and anti-ageing properties.

The Mediterranean diet is the way residents of southern Italy and Greece have eaten for centuries and have lived long and with low rates of diseases. Also known as an anti-inflammatory diet, the Mediterranean diet can regulate inflammation by limiting pro-inflammatory foods (sugar and red meat) and focusing on anti-inflammatory foods (nuts, berries and fish).
It also replaces butter (full-fat dairy products) with olive oil (healthy fat & high in omega-3) which helps lower levels of the chemicals causing inflammation. The Mediterranean diet is also full of food and drinks rich in antioxidants. Opt for fruits and vegetables with bright or deep colours which indicate higher antioxidant levels.
Important Tips For Arthritis
- Exercise! It can boost your energy, increase your motion range and strengthen joints
- Avoid movements or posture that puts extra stress on joints
- Use your strongest joints and muscles to carry out daily activities
- Mediate your alcohol intake and eat a healthy and balanced diet
- Have plenty of sleep for your body to regenerate and repair itself
Final Takeaway
It’s clear that a balanced and healthy diet plays a major role in arthritis symptoms and severity. Fortunately, a wide range of foods and drinks with a powerful component can help you reduce inflammation and symptoms associated with arthritis whilst promoting overall health. Along with the conventional treatment and eating a nutritious diet, taking organic joint pain supplements or using natural joint products is likely to be beneficial!