This issue can make dieting harder during seasonal changes but it can also be tackled with some dietary and lifestyle changes, however, a medical condition could be the reason for this excessive eating and you may require treatment. If you have consulted your doctor and there is no medical problem, then the good news is there are some things you can do to get a hold of your diet.
Why Am I Hungry All The Time?

1. Too much sugar
Consuming a high amount of sugar can cause your blood sugar to spike, and although you may feel full for a while, it won’t last long. Too much such can also increase appetite, hence, resulting in you being hungry all the time. Additionally, sugar contains fructose which, according to research, if it is in a high quantity can cause the body to produce ghrelin. This can lead to inactivity in some regions of the brain, making it difficult for the person to feel full and balance blood sugar levels. There are many food products and beverages that come with added sugar and as a result increase appetite, so you have to be extremely careful about what you consume.If you absolutely cannot do without sugar, chew sugarless gum and use natural sugars like honey or maple syrup.

2. Not enough protein
Researchers over the years have suggested that eating more protein can reduce the desire to want to eat food very frequently. This is because it can help to fill you up in a more satisfying way than sugar. Studies have further shown that, compared to low protein food, high protein food reduces food intake and increases activeness and weight loss. It is, therefore, advised that an average adult female consume 46 grams of protein per day and the average adult male 56 grams. So, always start your morning with a healthy dose of protein! You can also try adding high-quality protein powders into your diet to help your hunger pangs.

3. Dehydration
Drinking water is well known to be healthy and essential to our body. It is, therefore, important to always stay hydrated. Drinking water can also make a person feel more full, thereby, reducing hunger. Researchers have also shown that drinking plenty of water can help overweight people lose weight and encourage loss of appetite, making water a potential natural appetite suppressant! It is also one of the biggest and most easily avoidable answers to the question, why do I feel hungry all the time?

4. Lack of sleep
Not getting enough good quality sleep is another major reason why a person may always feel hungry. Sleep is meant to create a balance in our body, so, therefore, disruption of sleep can cause changes in our natural hormonal balance which in turn increases the feeling of hunger in some people. Lack of sleep has also been known to contribute to other weight-related health conditions like diabetes and obesity. Based on a study in 2016, conclusions were made that men with sleep disruption have a higher level of ghrelin and tend to eat more than those who sleep normally. So there is an important link between being always hungry and tired!

5. Boredom
Boredom is a very serious cause of over-eating that eventually becomes difficult to stop. Boredom eating is generally pointless and happens when we are not in need of food. Researchers believe that the cause of this boredom eating is as a result of the release of a chemical messenger called dopamine. It increases the desire and craving for more food.
The Bottom Line
Having established that there are numerous reasons why some people are always hungry, the next step is to work on reducing this hunger. As mentioned earlier, a major way to manage this is by making certain lifestyle and dietary changes, This can include:
- Eating less sugar and processed foods
- Adding more protein to the diet
- Drinking plenty of water
- Getting enough sleep
- Stopping eating out of boredom
- Safe fasting for weight loss